Common English Research Nomenclature: The Giant Puzzle Poster

This is a giant physics and astrophysics puzzle. It's meant to be fun to solve with a group of physicists, so please print one out and hang it up in your department hallway or breakroom or lab; I'd love to hear about it if you do. (It was originally written for the 2019 MIT Mystery Hunt. See a simplified puzzle poster and other physics puzzles here.)

If you have trouble following an arrow or finding a number, the SVGs below have some mouseover highlighting and are searchable. If you get stuck (or are finished and want to learn more) email me ( or ping me on Twitter @benmonreal for a link to the solutions.

The puzzle is intended to be printed out on two posters. You can purchase both posters from my store (any income here donated to MIT Mystery Hunt). If you do have a poster printer, download and print your own:

Last modified: Thu Feb 14 13:40:55 EST 2019